Aryabhata: Greatest Indian Astronomer and Mathematician

Aryabhata lived between 476 – 550 AD , 1550 years ago, and has been credited as the first major mathematician-astronomer from the Indian classical age.There was some confusion about his name was Aryabhatta or Aryabhata. There are numerous references in many astronomical book calling him Aryabhata and very few Aryabhatta. Hence it is generally agreed by scholars that he was…

Pothanayur : Tribute to a Tamil Mathematician and scientist

Pothanayur lived around 800 BC i.e 2800 years ago and worked on many solutions to help the construction of dams, temples, and palaces which need measurements of various shapes. Lately, there are lots of discussions and excitement about Potanayur’s simpler alternate solution to the famous Pythogarus Theorem which is used to measure the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle. Refer picture…

The Foundations of Learning

Almost everyone associated with the Indian education sector today agrees that the learningmodels and approaches in our country require a rethink. There are multiple differentperspectives and opinions on the way ahead, each of them citing a research study to bolstertheir stand. But let us take a step back. Before diving into the details of what the idealpedagogical structure should be,…